When you run into issues connecting to DWU Wireless on Mac Laptops, the first troubleshooting step is to forget the network and add it back again.
1. Click the Wifi Icon in the top right hand corner of your screen and select Open Network Preferences
2. Make sure the Lock in the bottom left hand corner in unlocked
3. Click Advanced... in the bottom right hand corner
4. Scroll through and find ALL DWU Networks (DWU Gaming, Guest, Wireless, Equipment)
Select them one at a time and select the Minus sign to remove the network.
You might have to scroll through the list if you have connected to multiple networks.
5. Once you remove all networks click OK in the bottom right hand corner
6. Make sure you click Apply in the bottom right hand corner.
7. Now go back to the Wifi Icon and select DWUWireless
Enter your DWUUsername and Password
If you run into issues, create a ticket with Support and they will help you further.